Friday, August 12, 2011

The ultimate list of how to eliminate boredness

Well firstly let me show some wonderful time wasting websites
  • Listverse- top 10 lists that are fun, stupid, scary but always entertaining .
  • Mookychick- they have the best info from style to careers, always with a alternative girl twist.
  • The berry- a random website dedicated to cute animals, shoes, goss and men. I find the guy version the chive more funny though.
  • blinx tv- Some great tv shows available online
  • Juliansmith87(youtube)- I find his videos really funny although its a certain type of humor. He's also a bit of a looker
  • Glamourdaze (youtube)- vintage (1920 - 1950) ads and fashion shows. A must for anyone into retro as I am.
  • Pixiwoo (youtube)- awesome makeup tutorials from real makeup artists
  • BellaSugar- Great beauty/ fashion info with lots of how to's and up to date goss
  • Dairy of a third world fashionista- Inspiration talent and creativity for fashion!
  • Charade style-A great blogger about fashion especially budget focused
And if your still bored you can try:
- write a dairy
- exercise
- have a nice bath with nice smelling oils, and salts and bath bombs and bubbles
- do a face mask complete with cucumbers over the eyes and a cocktail to sip on
- hire some random movies from your local video library
- make some yummy sweets for you to take to work or school or as a snack
- go op shopping
-throw out old clothes
- try origami
-make a list of quotes that inspire you
OR MY FAVORITE- go to your local library for free books, dvds and music

Feel free to add any more boredom busters in the comments!
Good luck with your boredom

A can of homosexual gay worms

In Australia where I am now, there's a new tv show called can of worms. They pretty much just debate and talk about controversial topics. Anyway last week they asked is marriage necessary anymore? Australia said 22% no and 72% yes, while 68% gays should be allowed to marry.

I deeply believe marriage is more than the dress, the ring, that one day, it's about making a commitment to each other. Getting married in my eyes is a way to share and celebrate your love and commitment. I know gay couples that have healthier relationships than most hetro couples and they deserve the right to equality! Really it's ridiculousness, I'm sure in 20 years they'll look back and say how crazy the world was.

If your in aus, the Australian marriage equality recommends sending your local mp a email. They have plenty more information if your interested.

Secrets of inspiration #2

“What remains of a woman when she is in the dark? When she has undressed, when she had taken off her dress, when we can no longer see her make-up, her wonderful hair, her beautiful eyes, when she takes off her jewellery, what is left? Only her charming voice and her perfume”

Jean-Paul Guerlian

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"The Rules of Life" by Richard Templar

Having wrote the hit "The Rules of Work" this book is about basic principles that are meant to help you get more out of life. After reading this book I find alot of the "rules" are common sense but the way he explains it is interesting .
There are so many bits I hope I'll remember but some main rules I find hit home are:
  • Accept what is done is done- regrets, regret, regrets, so many regrets
  • Accept yourself- love yourself, your the only you
  • Know what counts and what doesn't count- who hasn't heard don't sweat the small stuff
  • Take an interest in the outside world- don't get consumed by your own little issues in your bubble! Sometimes I feel I need a good slap to realise my life ain't so bad.
  • No fear, no surprise, no hesitation, no doubt- well that just says it all
  • Change what you can change, let go of the rest
  • Aim the be the very best, not the second best -it takes effort, but knowing you tried is sometimes all that matters. "failing is fine, aiming for 2nd isn't"
  • Dress like today is important- I am a massive fan of trackies and dressing gowns, but I know I feel so much more confident and sexy in heels and a dress, even if it is just going to the shops.
  • Have a plan- your dream will be a dream unless there is some sort of a plan
  • Get used to stepping outside your comfort zone
  • It's ok to feel big emotions
  • Look after yourself- look at my beauty section for some ways to pamper yourself :)
  • Prune your stuff frequently- clutter is bad, throw out stuff you don't use or need, it feels refreshing.
  • Only the good feel guilty- I like this one
These are just from one section of the book, so I really recommend it. Even though alot of the stuff you've heard before, reading it all at once kind of reminds you how important they really are. Good things to ponder on...

How to apply classic lipstick like a pro

Get those come hither lips with good old lipstick
  1. Firstly, get those lips ready to kiss by using your toothbrush! Put some vaseline or pawpaw ointment on your lips and buff away with a toothbrush (use a old one if you have it)
  2. Now that their smooth as velvet, suggest putting foundation over your lips as a base. It will bring out the colour of your lipstick better and help it stay all day!
  3. Use a lipliner in a similar colour and trace the outline of your lips. You can go a bit over your natural shape to make them bigger, but please don't go too crazy or you could look like a drag queen, unless that's the look your going for of course!
  4. A great tip is to fill your lips with your lip liner, making it stay longer and deepening the colour.
  5. Now you can either use the lipstick or a brush to apply on your lips. A brush works best for me because I feel i have more control, but it's up to what you feel more comfortable with.
  6. Blot with a tissue to pick up oils. This'll help the colour stay for longer too!
Michelle Phan has a amazing video about how to choose a red lipstick that will suit your skin tone, it's worth if you love red lips.
Good luck!
Thank you purecosmetics for your tips, they have more great info so check them out here

Girl power

A truly amazing video! Makes me cry every time I see it. If you'd like to donate anything you can go here
Women can change the world!

The yummiest quickest cinnamon scrolls that will make people think your a pastry chef

I tried this a few nights ago and wow have I been addicted! I've altered it a bit but I found it on

The dough
-2 cups Self-raising flour
-90grams of butter chopped and softened
-2/3 cup full cream milk
-pinch of salt

The filling
-130grams of butter softened
-4 tablespoons of soft brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon of dutch cinnamon

The icing
-1 cup icing sugar
-1 tablespoon of boiling water

  1. Preheat oven to 210 degrees Celsius.
  2. Dough: Sift flour and salt in a bowl, rub in butter with fingers till it's like bread crumbs.
  3. Add milk and mix lightly with a flat butter knife. They key is to only lightly handle the dough.
  4. Knead till it just comes together on a floured surface until smooth.
  5. Roll out dough to approximately 25 x 40cm rectangle and 5mm thick.
  6. Filling: beat butter, brown sugar and cinnamon with electric beaters until creamy.
  7. Spread over dough and fold up from the long side and cut into 3 cm pieces.
  8. Place cut-side up on a tray with baking paper and put in for about 12 min or until golden brown
  9. Icing: mix icing sugar and hot water till smooth.
  10. Drizzle icing over cinnamon scrolls . I iced when they were hot because I couldn't wait so it was all melted and yummy, but to help the icing set, do it on cool scrolls.